A Particular Kind of Black Man Read online

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  For Stephanie and Funmi

  Task: to be where I am.

  Even when I’m in this solemn and absurd

   role: I am still the place

  where creation works on itself.



  She told me I could serve her in heaven.

  She accompanied me to school each day. School was about a mile away, and a few hundred feet into my trek, just as my family’s apartment building drifted out of view behind me, she would appear at my side.

  I don’t remember how she looked. Memory often summons a generic figure in her place: an elderly white woman with frizzled gray hair, slightly bent over, a smile featuring an assortment of gaps and silver linings. I do remember her touch, however—it felt cool and papery, disarmingly comfortable on the hottest days of fall. She would often pat my head as we walked together, and a penetrating silence would cancel the morning sounds around us. I felt comfortable, protected somehow, in her presence. She never walked all the way to school with me, but her parting words were always the same:

  “Remember, if you are a good boy here on earth, you can serve me in heaven.”

  I was five years old. Her words sounded magical to me. Vast and alluring. I didn’t know her, I barely knew her name, but the offer she held out to me each morning seemed far too generous to dismiss lightly. In class I would think about what servitude in heaven would be like. I imagined myself carrying buckets of water for her on streets of gold, rubbing her feet as angels sang praises in the background. I imagined that I’d have my own heavenly shack. I’d have time to do my own personal heavenly things as well.

  How else would I get to heaven?

  One day I told my father about her offer. We were talking about heaven, a favorite subject of his, and I mentioned that I already had a place there. “I’ve already found someone to serve,” I said.

  “What do you mean?”

  Dad smiled warmly at me. I felt his love. I repeated myself:

  “Daddy, I’m going to heaven.”

  “And how are you going to get there?”

  I told him about the old lady, my heavenly shack, the streets of gold. My father stared at me a moment, grief and sadness surging briefly to the surface of his face. And then anger. He leaned forward, stared into my eyes.

  “Listen to me now. The only person you will serve in heaven is God. You will serve no one else.”

  * * *

  My father has told me many times that he settled in Utah because he didn’t want to be where anyone else was. His cousins and siblings had left Nigeria for Athens, London, Rome, New York City, and Houston. My father wanted to be an American, but he also craved isolation, so he decided he would travel to a city in America he knew nothing about.

  He left Nigeria in 1979 after a school in Utah, Weber State University, offered him a place in its mechanical engineering program. His bride, my mother, accompanied him. They arrived in a country that bore little resemblance to the country they expected. Dad, a devout fan of television shows like Gunsmoke and Bonanza, was disappointed when he discovered that cowboy hats were no longer in style, and he sadly stowed his first American purchase—a brown ten-gallon hat that he bought during a layover in Houston—in his suitcase, and under his bed. Mom arrived in America expecting peace and love—she had fallen for the music of the Beatles and the Beach Boys as a high school student in Lagos while listening to the records that her businessman father brought back from his trips abroad. Though she had imagined a country where love conquered all, where black people and white people lived together in peace and harmony, Mom and Dad arrived, instead, in a place where there were no other black people for miles around, a place dominated by a religion they’d never heard of before.

  But this was America. And they were in love. They moved into a small apartment in Ogden, Utah, and started a family. I came first, in 1981, and my brother followed in 1983. Dad attended his classes during the day while Mom took care of us at home. Occasionally she explored the city while pushing my brother and me along in a double stroller. Soon enough we were all walking hand in hand.

  At night my parents held each other close and spoke their dreams into existence. They would have more children. My father would start a business. They would become wealthy. They would send their children to the best schools. They would have many grandchildren. They would build their own version of paradise on a little slip of desert in a country that itself was a dream, a place that seemed impossible until they stepped off the plane, shielding the sun from their eyes, and saw for themselves the expanse of land that my father had idly pointed to on a fading map many years before.

  * * *

  As I look back now, especially with the knowledge of what will come after, the rest of my life set in unflattering relief, I realize that my first five years were the most ordinary of my childhood. We moved frequently, but I can only remember joy.

  One of my favorite memories from this era: for some reason I’m chasing my brother around our apartment with a red crayon. When I catch him I pin him against the wall and color each of his teeth red as he screams. My mother shrieks when she sees him; she thinks he’s bleeding because of the red wax that’s shining from his teeth. She laughs when I tell her that the blood isn’t real, and then we all laugh and I allow my brother to color my teeth as well. Then we color Mom’s teeth—she prefers lime green.

  Life flowed easily until we moved to Bountiful. We settled there because my father had found a job at an auto repair shop in neighboring Layton, and Bountiful was one of the few places close by with any affordable housing. My father couldn’t find a job as a mechanical engineer anywhere in northern Utah, but he knew a bit about cars, and he figured he would work as a mechanic until something better came along.

  My mother’s illness began to reveal itself to us shortly after we moved into our two-bedroom apartment, a tiny place near the center of town with pale-yellow walls and bristly carpet. Mom’s voice, once quiet and reassuring, grew loud and fearsome. Her hugs, once warm and comforting, became cold and rigid. She stopped cooking for us—sometimes my brother and I didn’t eat until my father returned from work in the evening. She began to spend more time in her room, away from us.

  One morning my brother shook me awake and told me that Dad was crying. I did not believe him. I didn’t think such a thing was possible. We scrambled to the living room and saw Mom standing over Dad, her eyes boiling with rage. My father was naked. His clothes, now nothing more than torn rags, were arrayed haphazardly around the room. He was bleeding from a wound on his thigh, and his face was wreathed in a constellation of sweat and tears. My brother and I reached over to him but Mom cursed at us:


  I was terrified. I looked at Dad. His bottom lip was shaking. His teeth were red. “Yes, go!” he said. “What are you waiting for? Go now!”

  We ran. We hugged each other in the corner of our room. Moments later, my father began to scream.

  Over the course of the next few days my brother and I witnessed this scene many times, my father cowering on the floor, my mother standing imperiously over him. He took her punishment whenever she descended into one of her moods, and afterward he would enter o
ur room with a calm smile and tell us that Mom wasn’t feeling like herself, but that everything would soon be OK. We tried our best to believe him.

  Before long we realized the truth. After Dad left for work each morning my mother locked herself in their room. She rarely interacted with us, but occasionally she opened the door and asked us to come inside. She asked us to stand in the corner of the room, near the dresser. She pointed to various places in the room: her closet, Dad’s desk, the empty space near her full-length mirror. She asked us if we saw it.

  “See what, Mommy?”

  “Don’t you see that? What is wrong with you?”

  My brother and I glanced at each other. Was this a game?

  “Mommy, I don’t see anything. Can we go now?”

  “No! Not until you tell me what it is doing there. Tell me why it won’t leave!”

  Sometimes my brother and I lied. We made up stories about what we saw and my mother nodded sagely. Sometimes she disagreed with us and told us to look again. This could have been fun, but the wild look in my mother’s eyes unsettled us.

  Sometimes she told us that we had to leave before they came to get us. “Something about this place isn’t right,” she’d say. “Not right at all.”

  Then she’d pull up her covers, switch on the radio, and mutter herself to sleep.

  * * *

  I started school on September 7, 1987, a few weeks before I turned six. I was ecstatic because I’d spent much time watching the kids of my neighborhood trip past my bedroom window with books under their arms and bags on their backs, like they were departing for another world. I dimly sensed that at school I could become something more than a brother or son, that each day I went I would come back carrying knowledge that was mine alone.

  My family walked with me to school that first day. I remember the principal extending her hand when I met her. I shyly extended mine as well, and as we shook hands she said, “We are very happy that you’re here!”

  It was in her eyes. The way she looked at me. Like I was something scary and unknown. That’s how I knew I was different. On the playground all my classmates asked if they could touch my hair. I said OK. Then Simon rubbed my skin and ran away crying to the playground attendant.

  “It won’t come off!” he wailed. “Why won’t it come off?”

  I was too tired after school to ask my father any questions, too excited about everything I had just experienced, but the next day, after another kid rubbed my arm until it was raw, I asked my father why my hair was so kinky, and why I couldn’t wash the brown off my skin. He shook his head and frowned. He began talking about the importance of pride, the meaning of self-respect, but I didn’t really understand what he was saying.

  As he spoke, I thought about the old lady I’d met a few hours before.

  That morning, Dad had hugged me at the door of our apartment and told me that I’d have to walk to school by myself because he had to work and Mom wasn’t feeling well. I said OK, but I was afraid because school seemed so far away.

  As I walked to school, tentatively, nervously, she suddenly appeared, like I’d dreamed her into existence.

  She told me her name was Mrs. Hansen, and she asked me what I was doing. I told her I was walking to school. She smiled.

  “I’ve never seen a little black boy around here before,” she said. “Where are you from?”

  “I’m from here,” I said. She laughed and placed a hand on my shoulder.

  She spoke as we walked, and I enjoyed hearing her voice, the gentle rise and fall of it, because it somehow seemed familiar to me. She asked me questions about Dad and Mom and my brother. She told me that she’d always wanted to go to Africa, but she’d never had the chance.

  When we were about a block from school she looked into my eyes and patted my head.

  “I enjoyed speaking with you. You are a wonderful little boy.” She blinked slowly and nodded. “Keep it up. Maybe one day you’ll get to serve me in heaven. If you do, I promise you’ll get everything you’ve ever wanted.”

  The happiness I felt as I turned and ran to school, the sheer joy, is something I’ve been searching for ever since.

  * * *

  I woke up that morning to my mother rubbing my hair. Mom was smiling down at me when I opened my eyes. She looked beautiful. She was dressed in her favorite outfit: a finely embroidered purple blouse covered by a flowing wrapper, a matching headdress hovering atop her small Afro. She asked me to wake up my brother and after hugging us she asked us to get dressed.

  “Where are we going, Mommy?” I asked as I pulled on my pants.

  “On an adventure!” she said, smiling widely. “Now hurry so we won’t be late.”

  My brother and I moved quickly in the crisp darkness. We rushed into the living room when we were done, and Mom evaluated us in a single glance.

  “Go get your backpacks and pack some clothes as well.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “I told you, on an adventure!”

  “What about Daddy?”

  Mom turned and glanced at the wall.

  “He’s coming later, after work.”

  “How about school?” I asked. I’d only been in kindergarten for a month.

  Mom gave me a half smile. “Don’t worry! Just get ready.”

  We ran back to our bedroom and packed our bags with assorted socks, underwear, shirts and pants. After a few minutes we returned to the living room.

  “All done!” we yelled in unison.

  She laughed.

  “You guys were quick! OK, now wait, someone is coming to pick us up.”

  We sat. My brother and I tried to blow smoke rings with the frosty air. Mom disappeared into her bedroom and when she returned she was dragging a rolling suitcase behind her. A few records were tucked under her arm. She had replaced her headdress with a large brown cowboy hat. I’d never seen her so happy in my life.

  Someone rapped on the door a few minutes later. Mom nodded at us.

  “Go ahead!” she exclaimed. “This is part of the adventure!”

  My brother and I raced to the door, but I got there first. There was a woman standing there. She had short red hair, and her freckles were so densely packed that I wondered how each one survived without space, without room to grow.

  “How are you?” she asked. “You are so cute! Are you ready to go?”

  Mom joined us at the door.

  “Yes, we are ready. Let us go before it is too late. We have so much to do today.”

  We piled into the lady’s car. I can’t remember what kind of car it was, just that it was small and that my mother insisted I sit in the front. The freckled lady turned the ignition and revved the engine while my mother held my brother close. The lady turned to me and asked if I was cold. I shook my head, but we sat in the dark until I felt the heat on my shoes and face. Then she put the car into gear and we drove off.

  We passed the local grocery store, Smith’s, and I suddenly realized that we weren’t going on an adventure.

  “Mommy, where is this woman taking us?”

  “I already told you! Now be quiet and enjoy the ride.”

  “Mommy, I don’t believe you. Where are we going? Where’s Daddy?”

  Mom ignored me. The lady patted me on the head and turned on the radio. Stevie Wonder was singing something but I don’t know what it was.

  * * *

  I don’t remember what happened after I realized that we weren’t actually going on an adventure. My mind skips, like a ruined compact disc, to a small room with bare walls at the YWCA in Salt Lake City.

  I start the day with a tutor who showers me with praise; she brings books for me to read every day, and she tells me I’m the smartest kid she’s ever known. Most of her books are about African American leaders, but I don’t know what an African American is yet. They all look black to me. We read about George Washington Carver, Booker T. Washington, and Benjamin Banneker. She also tells me about Martin Luther King. I learn that he starts college when he’s fi
fteen, that he attends a black school in Atlanta called Morehouse, and that he has a doctorate by the time he’s twenty-six. Do I know what a doctorate is? I don’t answer because I’m still thinking about the black school in Atlanta. Where is Atlanta? And how is such a thing possible in America? Only black people, only people like me in a school? This seems impossible, so I decide that the school, the city itself must be a relic of the past. My tutor smiles at me, her black hair shining. In her hands, the book looks brand-new, like no one’s ever opened it before. She turns the page. I don’t know what’s real and what’s fake anymore.

  After my tutoring sessions I join my brother in the nursery. We play together until Joy stops by to pick us up. Joy has long blond hair and a jagged, ruined face. She is beautiful.

  She takes us to the common room and my brother sits on her lap. We spend the afternoon watching TV shows like The People’s Court and The Judge. Joy rubs my head constantly, and bends down to kiss my forehead during the commercials. I think she does this because she knows how much I miss my father. I haven’t seen him since Mom took us away. She must know that I feel so alone without him, that I would give anything just to hear his voice.

  Sometimes her friends join us. I only remember them in caricature. One is fat and one is skinny. Like a pair of mismatched twins they bounce around the room and my memory, orbiting our small impromptu family. By the time Joy walks us to our room my brother has fallen asleep in her arms, and I’m too tired to be scared of Mom.

  The fear returns when we arrive at our door.

  * * *

  Sometimes Mom is better. I know she is taking medicine now, and although she is never happy, sometimes she remembers herself.

  This memory will never leave me: My brother and I walk into our small apartment in the shelter and look for Mom. I glance at our spotless kitchen on the left, and our spare living room on the right. A dusty table sits in the middle of the room. Mom steps out of the bedroom; she is small and thin, and has large, wide-set eyes. Her nose is as small as a button. She turns on the radio, finds the oldies station, and begins to hum. Sometimes The Mamas and The Papas come on, sometimes the Rolling Stones, sometimes the Beach Boys, sometimes Simon and Garfunkel, sometimes Dylan, but always, inevitably, the Beatles. My mom smiles whenever she hears Paul singing. It doesn’t seem odd to me then, a Nigerian woman with a Beatles obsession; the only thing I care about is that the Beatles bring her peace. I often wish the disembodied voices would skip everything else and just play the Beatles, only the Beatles, all evening, so Mom will feel better.